Hawkit.ng Review; earn money on social media doing simple task

  • Hawkit is a social platform which claims to pay user for performing simple tasks, like comment, like, follow, share and many more.
  • Get Paid for Posting Adverts Daily on Your Social Media

In today’s digital age, online shopping has become increasingly popular, offering convenience and a wide range of products at our fingertips. One of the emerging e-commerce platforms gaining momentum in Nigeria is Hawkit.ng. In this blog post, we will provide a detailed review of Hawkit.ng, exploring how it works, the key features that set it apart in the online marketplace and how you can earn money through simple task with social apps.

What is Hawkit?

Hawkit is a cutting-edge social media platform that enables content creators, influencers, and everyday users to monetize their online presence. It serves as a marketplace where brands can connect with individuals who possess a significant following on various social media platforms, such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and more. With Hawkit, influencers can showcase their talents, collaborate with brands, and earn money by promoting sponsored content.

Recommended: Serious to learn ways to make money online, follow this page for more updates

How To Earn on Hawkit Platform:


Now, you have the knowledge of what hawkit is all about, let’s see how to make money in this platform by performing simple task. As boldly said on the page,

Earn daily income by reselling products, posting adverts and performing simple social tasks for top businesses and brands on your social media account.

How to create account:

  • Visit Hawkit.ng
  • Fill the sign up form
  • Verify your e-mail
  • Make a one time payment

How does it work:

Firstly, you need to sign up and activate your account with a one time payment of N1000 before you can start performing task to earn.

How to earn:

Social Tasks:

Earn daily by performing social tasks such as follow, like, comment, share. retweet. app reviews, whatsaApp post

Social Influences:

Get real followers, likes, comments, retweets, app reviews, whatsApp views and more

Data Business

You can buy and sell all networks data with hawkit App.

Digital Market:

Sell any kind of goods, like clothes, shoes, jewelry, bags, phones, laptops and many more.

Conclusion: For now, Hawkit still pays all it’s users as verified, do a research and if find any negative about the platform, do not hesitate to let others know.

Ekene Njoku

I am a passionate blogger, graphics designer, web designer and information researcher. Also, a media marketer

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